Humanoid Virtual Athletics Challenge 2024

RSJ Special Interest Group on Humanoid Robotics is organizing “Humanoid Virtual Athletics Challenge 2024”. Humanoid Virtual Athletics Challenge is a simulation-based robotics challenge aiming at co-learning of motion planning and control techniques for humanoid and legged robots. In HVAC2021 – 2023, many teams from beginners to experts participated and showed various exciting performances. HVAC2024 calls for participation of enthusiasts in three challenge categories athletics, dance, and short track. The challenge is based on submission of simulation results. Choreonoid is used as a primary simulation platform*. Qualified result will be listed in the challenge’s web page. Since we do not intend to encourage excessive competition, there will be no prizes. *Simulation results produced by using other simulators such as mujoco are accepted, but will be treated as unofficial because fair comparison is difficult. For more details, please see the web page of the challenge below. You can jump to the pages of the past challenges from the links shown in the bottom of the page to see log data and presentation slides (most of them are in Japanese). The github repository includes sample code and sample models. There is also an online forum and a mailing list for Q&A and discussion. [Schedule] Opening of team registration and simulation result submission From May 2024 (already open) Main challenge (workshop) September 2024 * * to be held as an open forum in RSJ2024, Japanese language and timezone [Application] Follow the link to Google Forms in the web page above.

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